
Irish Dancing
What is Irish Dancing?
Irish Dancing is a traditional national Character dance from Ireland. Irish dancing involves soft shoe (ballet ) and hard shoe (tap) dancing as well as Ceili dancing (group dancing) It is performed to traditional Irish music played on piano, piano accordian and violin.
What Age can you start?
Dancers can begin as young as 3 years old right up to Adults level.
What will my child learn?
Children will learn basic movement to music (from 3 years old) as they become more confident they will learn basic Irish dancing moves to music. We understand every child learns at a different pace so we are incredibly patient and we have small class numbers so every child gets the individual attention they deserve. They will end up learning dance moves similiar to what you might see Emma from the Wiggles do.
What do you wear?
Wear comfortable clothing, that you can move in (active wear) beginners can just wear comfortable shoes and when ready can purchase soft shoes and hard shoes
Do you have Adult Classes?
Yes we have Adult Beginner classes on Tuesdays. We also welcome back any adult that used to dance as a child/teenager to come and join our intermediate classes (over 15 years classes)
How much are the classes?
Children - $25
Adults $30
10 class pass adults- $270
Children can also pay per term and will receive a 10% discount